Sunday, May 31, 2015


It is weird being surrounded by those who actually like me. For the first time in my life, I feel like I am respected, appreciated, valued, and loved. I am not a terrible person after all. I am actually likable.  I am friendly. I am kind. I am respected. I am needed.
I am loved.. by so many.

SO many. I never realize how much love I receive from people. My parents, my grandparents, my aunt, my pastor back at home, they all pray for me and hope nothing but the best for me.

It is very hard for me realize and accept the fact that I am loved. I've always had friends and family, but it's not about them -- it's about me. I never understood why people liked me because I hated myself so much. My personality is one of my biggest insecurities, and I have NEVER liked it until this weekend. I know I can have many different "faces" and I hated that because I always thought I had some bipolar or personality disorder. I never knew what my real "face" was, I guess. But all these different faces are me. They make up who I am. I can be kind and gentle. I can be quirky and weird. I can be obnoxious and loud. I can be outgoing and fun. I can be harsh and critical. I can be hilarious and crazy. I can be shy and quiet. I can be passionate and assertive. I can be hardworking and determined. I can be lazy and careless. I can be whatever the heck I want to be -- and that is something I like about myself. I can be me at all times, being all these different things.

It's weird to finally accept myself as who I am

now it's time to try to love myself wholeheartedly.

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