Sunday, August 17, 2014

Overcoming (teenage) depression

Depression is ugly and vicious. You probably won't realize that you have a problem until it takes control of your life because it kills you slowly and quietly. Although I'm neither a doctor nor a depression survivor that was clinically diagnosed with it, I know for a fact that I had a very dark time in my life when there was not a day I didn't cry, throw a fit, think of unpleasant things, and etc. I feel like it was my hormonal imbalance as a teenager that caused me to go through this depression, combining with my volatile personality and other problems that I had.

This is a post about how I overcame my own struggles (and suggestions of how to overcome it). I am writing this to remind myself that I am happy. I am writing this for my future self, in case I fall back into the pit again. I am writing this for my own good.

  • You do not have to be "clinically depressed" to be depressed. You do not have to be "depressed enough" to be depressed. When you are depressed, you are depressed. 
  • Talk about what makes you sad and angry with the one you trust. Do not hold anything back. Let it all out and cry in their arms. Get a therapist / talk to a counselor if you need to. Mental health is as important as or even more important than your physical health. 
  • Practice talking about your feelings. Do not bottle up anything. You'll feel empty afterwards, but trust me, it's better than letting it rot inside of you.
  • Go out of your comfort zone often. It is scary, but it is so worth it. 
  • Interact with people. I know that people wear you out sometimes and it is scary for you to meet new people, but surprisingly, they sometimes make you happy too. Be around them and absorb all their good energy.
  • Go outside. Don't stay home all day crying about your (not so) miserable life. Get out there and just go explore different places or just go shopping. Just don't stay inside all day.
  • Hang out with your family more often. They love you no matter what. 
  • Remember that you are not a failure. You have all these years in front of you and you can change anything you want to. You made a mistake? a huge one? so what? life goes on.
  • Have hope. I know it's a silly thing to tell someone to have hope when she/he is going through depression, so let me phrase it differently. It's not the end of the world. If you end your life now, imagine how many things you won't be able to do and accomplish. You have a tomorrow to look forward to; give yourself another chance -- even if you don't think you deserve one. 
  • What if you were your own daughter? Would you want your daughter to hate every single inch of herself? Would you want your daughter to kill herself? 
  • Time will heal everything. Just be patient.
  • You are not a disappointment. You live for yourself and nobody else.
  • And it's ok to be depressed. No, you're not a burden because you are depressed. It is not your fault that you're struggling. Remember that you're not a disappointment because you are depressed. Just take small steps to improve your mental health for yourself, not because you don't want to be a burden. You are incredible no matter what your depression says to you.
After going through such struggles, I started having passion for life. I want to live so desperately. Though life has its shitty moments, those moments all pass, and you'll eventually forget about them because you'll be awestruck by how beautiful life is. I am incredibly grateful that I am alive, and honestly, if it weren't for my stupid depression, I wouldn't be this grateful. 
I don't blame life for having me suffer in the past since it made me appreciate everything so much more, and it made me stronger than ever. Yea. Love ya, life.

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