I am so glad and happy that I went to Theophilus. It was rejuvenating, and I feel like I really needed the passionate worship to stop being a lukewarm Christian that I was; through this experience, I have learned to give my all to my God.
I was blessed with such kindhearted and wise seventh grade ladies. Leading a group of such distinct and strong personalities was difficult at times, but I feel like we all united in the end with our love for God and one another. Though I was about to pass out by end of the weekend, every minute there was worth it. I loved getting to know all the girls, seeing them interact and open up to each other, and giving one another advices and encouragements. And for the first time in my life, I prayed out loud for someone. I admit, it was awkward at first because I am so used to praying inside of my head where words just flow freely and naturally, but after like the first day, I got used to praying out loud. It was so empowering and touching because as I prayed for the girls, they started crying, and of course, I did too. Being a leader of a small group was very different than being in one as I was the one who was listening for most of the time -- and I liked that. I like to express my thoughts to others, but what I really want to do is really listen and be there for others because I know what it feels like to not have anyone to express those things to. That's why I get so happy whenever people share things with me. I know it is uncomfortable at first, but it is good for them in the end.
But let's straighten up some things. Your stories do not define you. Your stories are just a part of you and a part of what makes you you.
Overall, it was a good experience, and I never thought I would actually like kids -- but I did.
And I found this quote on tumblr that made me think for hours:
"When you can tell your story and it doesn't make you cry, that's when you know you've healed."
I guess you're never completely healed, or it takes ages to heal. But then it is inevitable that you cry as you pull up those memories that you've tried to suppress.
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