I know what you're thinking. We feel love so how is love not about one's emotion? Yeah, I have been trying to wrap my head around this concept too.
- http://aldersgate.net/love-isnt-feeling/
- http://www.gotquestions.org/love-Jesus.html
- http://www.gty.org/resources/bible-qna/BQ021312/Love-A-Feeling-or-Action- (this one is really good) "The problem, however, is that few people have any idea of what true love is. Most people, including many Christians, seem to think of it only in terms of nice feelings, warm affection, romance, and desire. When we say, “I love you,” we often mean, “I love me and I want you.” That, of course, is the worst sort of selfishness, the very opposite of agape love... Self–giving love, love that demands something of us, love that is more concerned with giving than receiving, is as rare in much of the church today as it was in Corinth. The reason, of course, is that agape love is so unnatural to human nature. Our world has defined love as “romantic feeling” or “attraction,” which has nothing to do with true love in God’s terms."
- http://www.sermoncentral.com/sermons/love-is-a-verb-not-a-feeling-dennis-selfridge-sermon-on-jesus-teachings-89407.asp?Page=5 (explains why love is an action and how the definition of love is action-oriented)
- http://www.godandscience.org/love/what_is_love.html (describes phileo and agape)
- http://www.gotquestions.org/Christian-romance.html (phileo and agape)